Thulasiraj Ravilla is part of the leadership team at Aravind, a social organization providing eye care for the needy.
Ravilla was born in 1951 in Southern India. He studied at the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta. After receiving his MBA, Ravilla worked there for Berger Paints. In 1981, he chose to leave his corporate job to take a far less well-paying but more fulfilling position at Aravind.
As a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, Ravilla studied Hospital and Health Management. He used his expertise to help turn Aravind into what it is today. In 1992, he developed the LAICO-Aravind Eye Hospital Care System. He currently serves as its head.
He has served for five years as the chair of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness for the South East Asia region.
He is head of VISION 2020 The Right to Sight - India.